Planning your first half-marathon…A few tips to get you started!
India’s marathon season starts in mid-November and extends till March. So if you are planning on running your first half marathon, it’s about time you get started!
Here a few tips that will come in handy
Start early, Start slow!
If this is your first marathon then experts recommends that aspiring marathoners train for atleast 4 months slowly building a base mileage. The most common mistake runners make is going out too fast—then crashing and burning ,so don’t underestimate the importance of consistently running every week.
If this is your first race, don’t push yourself to select a training plan geared toward getting a fast time. Choose a plan designed to help you finish the race
Build a routine and follow it; Cross train
Build your stamina by adopting a training plan that is progressive . Keep your focus on the goal but throw in in a few days of cross training in order to let those muscles you use during running to rest and strengthen the muscles around those running muscles . Cross training is also a good way to prevent overuse injuries that can easily occur when marathon training
Don’t go at it alone — training is better with a buddy. A training partner can keep you excited and accountable when the miles rise, workouts get more challenging or if motivation starts to dip. They’ll also be there to share every experience, celebrate with you on race day and swap epic stories afterward
Don’t cave into the temptation of running on the treadmill yet again. Learn as much as you can about your chosen race course and try to simulate those elements in some of your workouts.As much as possible, try to switch up the surfaces you run on. Running on roads can help harden your legs and work on your race rhythm, while the treadmill can help you dial in pace with laser-like precision.
Eat healthy and stay hydrated
Many novice runners think that half marathon nutrition involves increasing your carbohydrate intake dramatically. This is not the case. You should also increase your consumption of fruit, vegetables, protein and fat, in proportion to your carbohydrate intake. If you are carb loading in preparation of the race, load on complex carbs.Complex carbohydrates, found in all plant-based foods, take longer for the body to digest than simple ones and are available as stored energy for use when needed
It’s a good strategy to not eat during training runs to maximize use of fat as fuel and both mentally and physiologically overcome the discomfort associated with fiber damage.
Drink water as much as you can during your training and races to maintain the natural electrolyte balance
Happy running!